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Women in Leadership? Maybe Next Year

The news from Catalyst a New York based non-profit that focuses on women in management, delivered gloomy news today. There is still little room for women at the top. There were no significant gains made over the last year. Read the rest of this entry »

Is the Job Interview Overrated?

September 22nd, 2011 by admin in employment, management, Uncategorized, women

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Criteria for Joining A Corporate Board

March 8th, 2011 by admin in jobs skills, management, Uncategorized

I recently interviewed Constantine Alexandrakis a search consultant at Russell Reynolds Associates in Chicago, who also has responsibility for corporate officer searches.

He’s noticed a gradual shift upwards in the last decade of the percentage of women on the boards of the S&P 500 ( a different number than  David Matsa used) from 12% to approximately 16% now.

Asked why the number isn’t higher, and he gives a tutorial on how a hypothetical board search considers specific skills for an open board position. Read the rest of this entry »