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Looking for Jobs in the Wrong Place?

November 22nd, 2010 by admin in Careers, Uncategorized

For those who have been applying to small businesses, the traditional engines of job creation, a new finding from Gallup  may have them reorganizing their job search.

Gallup found that for the second week in November larger companies are hiring more workers while the smallest businesses are shedding jobs. Over 40% of companies that have at least 1,000 employees said their company was hiring, while 22% reported layoffs.

At the other side of the workplace spectrum, nearly 10% of workers said their employer was ramping up and 16% said their employer was letting people go.

Job Creation Index, by Size of Company, November 2010

 This was the first time that Gallup asked about company size and I’ve asked Gallup if their chief economist, Dennis Jacobe can explain why and what job seekers can expect heading into the New Year.  As soon as I hear back from him, I’ll add an update.

Separately, the study also found that the federal government was hiring while state and local governments were letting employees go, the legacy of budget cutting in the aftermath of the recession.

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