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A Double Standard?

May 20th, 2010 by admin in Careers

Yesterday Reuters reported a federal jury ruled that  Novartis, a drug manufacturer,  must pay $250 million in punitive damages for discriminating against thousands (5,588) of female sales representatives.

After a five week trial  a jury found a pattern of discrimination against women employees over pay, promotion and pregnancy from 2002-2007 .

Working Mother Magazine has considered Novartis one of the 100 Best Companies for Women during the last ten years. The New York Times reported Carol Evans, president of Working Mother Media, released a statement that expressed disappointment in the company’s discriminatory practices.

Novartis is the maker of Theraflu and Triaminic. For women going through perimenopause they offer the Vivelledot. And for women who have osteoporosis they manufacture Miacalcin and Reclast.

Why did a company that purports to make drugs to improve the quality of women’s and children’s lives discriminate against women in its workplace?

Novartis said it would appeal the verdict.

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