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Hiring the Best Person for the Job

November 29th, 2012 by admin in Careers, colleagues, employment, jobs skills, Uncategorized

A new study in the December issue of the American Sociological Review suggests that employers are often more focused on hiring someone they would like to hang out with than they are in hiring the most competent person for the job.

“Of course, employers are looking for people who have the baseline of skills to effectively do the job,” said study author Lauren A. Rivera, an assistant professor of management and organizations and sociology at Northwestern University. “But, beyond that, employers really want people who they will bond with, who they will feel good around, who will be their friend and maybe even their romantic partner. As a result, employers don’t necessarily hire the most skilled candidates.”

Although Dr. Rivera is quick to point out that the findings don’t mean unqualified candidates are being hired, the findings might give pause to those who are concerned about employement shortages and competitiveness.


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