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Does studying harder and longer mean greater success?

November 17th, 2011 by admin in survey

With all the attention being paid to the country’s competitiveness, theNational Survey for Student Engagement released today, shows students in the sciences devoting more time and attention to their studies than liberal arts, education, business and social science students.

As Richard Perez-Pena showed in a story in The New York Times those business students spend more time on extracurricular activities including earning money and caring for their families. Still it is the STEM STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) majors that hit the books.

On reason is faculty expectations. It appears science faculty members are more demanding than their social science and business counterparts? The study doesn’t report on whether they value studying more than extracurricular activities, family or work.

The survey also showed that students fail to use study techniques that have proven to be effective.

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