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Telecommuting as an Antidote to Stress

April 6th, 2011 by admin in employment, ergonomics, Uncategorized

As unemployment dips slightly and hiring continues, as reported last week stress continues to be a major factor in those whose jobs were not eliminated during the Great Recession. Low pay continues to draw attention, but so does extensive commuting as some travel further afield to seek meaningful employment. A heavier workload is also a consideration if companies are expecting employees to have greater productivity. Read the rest of this entry »

Management Lessons from the Weather

February 2nd, 2011 by admin in innovation

During a particularly balmy January interlude in the middle of the last decade, I exmained the consequences of warmer office temperatures in a story called  Some Like It Hot.  In many ways it was a lighthearted piece, written during record breaking high temperatures. By the time the story was published and set to drop on doorsteps and driveways, the area was hit was a massive blizzard delaying  and cancelling deliveries, once again proving weather holds sway over our best decisions. Read the rest of this entry »

A New Era of Telecommuting, Part Two

December 28th, 2010 by admin in ergonomics, Uncategorized

With the Blizzard of December 26 and December 27, 2010 wreaking havoc with personal and transportation schedules, many who would have otherwise commuted to offices, spent the day after the holiday weekend telecommuting. It’s possible their productivity was interrupted by shoveling snow or keeping an eye on children playing (this being a vacation week after all).

While working from home can bring fewer interruptions and better concentration, there are times when there are clear signs that even the most experienced remote employees may need to consider heading back to the office. Bryant Rice, who is based in San Francisco and heads the North American government sector for DEGW,  a strategic business consultancy suggests being alert to these changes. Read the rest of this entry »