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Equal Pay

April 13th, 2011 by admin in compensation, employment, Uncategorized, women

Yesterday was Equal Pay Day which comes from the amount of time women need to work into the following year to make the equivalent men made the year before.

At the Huffington Post, Marlo Thomas took issue with how little progress had been made with equal pay. While at the Wall Street Journal,  Carrie Lukas is definite there is no gender pay gap, at least among those 22-30 years of age.

They are both right. Young adult women have been outstripping their male counterparts in college degrees since at least the early 1980’s. And in major cities, with comparable jobs, they have pay parity. That’s not true for their elders, regardless of age.

Earlier this week The Wall Street Journal published a special section on Women in the Economy. Speaker after speaker referred to a leaky and blocked pipeline. That was in the corporate sector.

Women graduates in engineering are at a 15 year low.  And technology remains a male bastion.

Where are the women? McKinsey and Company asks that question in their Women Matter 2010 Report

And others are asking where are the women seeking venture capital and where are the women venture capitalists?

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